How Often Should You Get Microneedling Treatment1

How Often Should You Get Microneedling Treatment?

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Microneeding treatment can help our skin recover loose skin, reduce scars and smooth fine lines. You can even see the effect after receiving a microneeding treatment. So what is the frequency of microneeding treatment? Please continue to read for more information about microneeding treatment.

How Often Can You Do Microneeding Treatment?

Microneeding treatment is a popular method to deal with many different problems. The problem you want to solve will determine how much treatment you need and how often you should receive it. Since a large part of the benefits of microneeding treatment come from the damage caused by repair, it is important to give your skin time to repair between treatments. After receiving microneeding treatment, you should make sure to arrange a follow-up visit every four to six weeks to determine the time of the next microneeding treatment.

The needles of these microneeding treatment tools are very short, so their effect is very small. Finally, you may do more harm than good, because the skin is a fragile part of your body and needs to be treated with care. It is important that licensed professionals conduct microneeding treatment with a skin pen rather than a skin roller, because the skin roller is much milder.

How Many Microneeding Treatments Should You Accept?

This largely depends on what you are treating, but it is expected to start with three microneeding treatment courses. If you want to solve problems such as deep scars, you need up to six or even eight treatments. This gives your skin time to heal, and it also goes through the process of natural cell renewal. After the first meeting, you may see the surface results, but it is important to adhere to this process to ensure that these results remain unchanged.

Combined with the rehabilitation time of microneeding treatment, you should plan to complete three courses in about four months. As this is a mild treatment method that can help your body restore the skin to its previous state, please accept that it takes time, and you may need more than three courses of treatment. If you use it to make deep scars, it may take more time to fully see the best effect.

How Long Can I See the Results of Microneedling Treatment?

In order to see the results, you should have at least 3-4 microneedles every 4-6 weeks. Due to the nature of treatment, your skin needs enough time to heal between treatments. For ordinary people, it will be about a month. After the first microneeding treatment, you may notice some immediate improvements, but in order to achieve the best results, you should have a total of 3 to 4 treatments.

What Are the Benefits of Microneeding Treatment?

How Often Should You Get Microneedling Treatment

The benefits of microneeding treatment include tightening the skin and regenerating hair. It can reduce scars and remove acne. When you use serum, face cream or drugs directly after the course of treatment, any benefits you may see will become more complex, because the skin is ready to absorb them. Although most people do treatment on the face, you can do it anywhere in the body, even on the scalp.

In order to maintain the effect of the initial series of microneedles, you should receive treatment 2 to 3 times a year. These maintenance appointments will refresh your skin and help maintain the amazing effect you want to see! These appointments, together with first-class daily skin care, will help maintain the effect of microneedles.

  • Treat acne scars

Microneedles do contribute to the healing of acne scars, and it is one of the most effective treatments to heal and reduce the appearance of acne scars, whether physical pitting or pigmentation. In order to best treat acne, you should take microneedles as often as previously recommended – 3-4 times at intervals over a 4-6 week period. However, depending on the severity of the scar, you may need additional treatment to see the effect. Talk to your beautician about a plan that suits your skin!

  • Treat deep wrinkles

Many people turn to microneeding treatment for other skin problems besides acne scars, such as fine lines or deep wrinkles. To specifically treat deep wrinkles, you may need to have more than 3-4 initial treatments in a few months. In addition, because older people usually have deep wrinkles, you may need to interval your treatment longer. This is because your skin naturally heals slower with age, so you need to give your skin more time to heal after each treatment. As usual, talk to your beautician about the treatment plan that is most suitable for your skin!

  • Additional advantages of PRP

For the upcoming skin spa, we have adopted a new type of microneedle, including platelet rich plasma! PRP, more commonly known as blood, is a method that uses naturally produced substances (platelets and plasma) of the body to significantly target signs of aging and revitalize the skin. Before injecting PrP, microneedles are a good way to open the skin, which can stimulate your body to move towards stronger and younger skin. Then, how often should you use PRP for microneeding treatment? Once a month for three consecutive months is the standard schedule, although we always recommend that you talk to your beautician about the plan that is most suitable for you.

The result often lasts for 9 to 18 months, but it can even last for two years according to some factors unique to everyone. PRP microneedles are best used on the face. In addition to completely revitalizing the skin, it is also often used to reduce scars.

How Does Microneeding Treatment Work?

The microneeding treatment process is also known as leather rolling. Between these two names, you can better understand the role of microneedles. The micro needle is placed around the roller, which moves on your skin to form a hole the size of a pinhole.

These holes will cause slight damage to your skin, which is only enough to tell your body that you need collagen to heal, but not enough to cause any actual damage. However, your practitioner may use a pen, such as a skin pen, rather than a roller. Unlike the leather roller, the skin pen will not pull the skin when rolling, so it will not cause too much discomfort.

Collagen is very important because it is an integral part of our skin. It gives the skin elasticity while keeping it tight, strong and smooth. However, from more than 30 years old, with the growth of age, our body has less and less influence on it. This is why microneedle seems to play such a magical role as an anti-aging therapy. This is actually the restoration of our young skin.

It can not only promote the production of collagen, but also increase blood flow, transfer restorative nutrients to the area, and give you a plump, rose colored appearance. This blood flow also helps to better move other objects. This is why it is beneficial to use acne drugs or anti-aging serum directly after treatment, because they are absorbed faster.

Can I Do Microneeding Treatment at Home?

Although some Microneedling treatment rollers are sold for household use, these are not very good choices. Doing microneeding treatment at home may cause bacterial infection and damage to the skin due to improper use and non sterile environment. The best benefits come from regular meetings with licensed professionals. Sometimes additional treatment methods are used, such as radiofrequency therapy through needles, which can only be carried out by licensed doctors in the office. Radiofrequency heating of the skin produces more micro tears than using a needle alone. This can speed up the whole process.

Frequently Asked Questions About Microneeding Treatment

  • What are the side effects of microneeding treatment?

This treatment has few side effects. There may be a little swelling or redness in the short term, which should disappear soon. It is possible that microbial infection is caused by microneeding treatment, which is why it is so important to go to a licensed professional for treatment.

  • When can I accept microneeding treatment?

Because there are few side effects, many people are good candidates for treatment. If you have any concerns, be sure to consult a professional. As long as you are over 20 years old, you are enough to receive treatment. If you are taking blood thinners, have diabetes, are pregnant, or are trying to treat bulging scars, you may need to consider other options.

  • Is there any other similar skin care?

You can use face cream or serum to treat wrinkles or coarse pores, or you can use topical drugs to treat acne. However, please remember that when the microneedle creates a hole in your skin, it will open the skin and absorb all the good things in local treatment. Consider combining the two to improve the effect. Fillers, botulinum toxin and other surgeries may also be good choices. They produce more significant effects, but they also require longer healing time and are more invasive methods.

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