Cuticle Oil

How to Use Cuticle Oil? Guideline And Tips

Read Time:4 Minute, 46 Second

An item that moisturizes your cuticles and nails is cuticle oil. Vegetable oils make up the majority of it, and occasionally citric acid and vitamins are added.

Excessive exposure to cold, sun, chlorine, salty or soapy water can cause cuticles to become chapped, cracked, and dry. Cuticle oil can help hydrate your cuticle and nail in these situations of acute dryness and injury, restoring it to health.

Applying cuticle oil might promote nail growth by boosting circulation around your nails. Additionally, it can aid in cuticle and nail trauma prevention.

The health and beauty of your nail can also be enhanced by the oil. Cuticle oil might help your polish stay longer if you paint your nails.

 Why is cuticle oil important?

Without routine maintenance, your cuticles could become dry and damaged, which would also affect your nails. Consider all the elements your hands and nails are subjected to on a daily basis, such as water, the sun, cold temperatures, and the countless different products you use. Your cuticles and nails are forced to live in a hellish environment as a result of all this.

Applying a cuticle oil can aid in promoting stronger nails and stimulating nail growth, preserving the nails from the factors they are exposed to.

How to Apply Cuticle Oil? 

Utilizing cuticle oil is one of the best strategies to maintain your nails appearing neat and healthy all the time. Here is a straightforward, step-by-step tutorial on how to apply cuticle oil.

 Step 1: Apply oil to nails

Usually, you start by rubbing oil on your hands’ nails. It can be rolled, brushed, or dropped, depending on what feels most comfortable to you. Simply squeeze the oil onto each of your nails while concentrating on one hand at a time. A small amount of oil still functions since you should constantly keep in mind that it goes a long way.

Step 2: Apply oil on the cuticles

Spend some time gently massaging the oil into your cuticles.

Make care to massage it into the skin around it as well as the sides of the nails. The blood will circulate more as a result. With this, after pushing back your cuticles, you can use oil before going to bed.

Applying the oil before having a manicure or painting your nails is prohibited. Simply wait until cuticle oil has been applied.

Step 3: Place the dropper approximately 2 inches from your nail.

Hold the dropper, if you’re using one, at least 2 inches away from the nail when dispensing the oil. If you want, you can also carefully apply the cuticle oil using a brush or a roller, among other delivery methods.

Step 4: Re-apply oil every two to three hours

Once you’ve finished using the oil, reapply it every two to three hours. This is sufficient time for the oil to absorb and finish drying. You can also reapply as often as necessary if you so choose.

What Is the Recommended Dosage of Cuticle Oil?

Cuticle oil is a type of oil that is especially formulated to be applied directly to nails, cuticles, and the skin around the nails in order to provide constant hydration and nourishment. Yes, using cuticle oil regularly is crucial, but you also need to know how frequently.

How frequently should you apply cuticle oil then? Cuticle oil should be used at least three times per day, according to experts. If your cuticles are worn or damaged, you can simply apply the cuticle oil each time you wash your hands. To avoid causing annoyance and from making the issue worse. The optimum times to apply cuticle oil are shown below.

Early mornings (When doing your Make-up)

Applying cuticle oils as you prepare your makeup for the day at work in the morning will help keep your cuticles moisturized and hydrated all day. Simply incorporate it into your makeup process to make it a dependable habit.

Following lunch (Midday)

The most of the cuticle oil would be lost even if you finished applying it in the morning, especially when washing your hands. After eating lunch or washing your hands after your noon meal, you only need to reapply some cuticle oil.

Evening (Just before bed) 

Always coat your nails and cuticles in cuticle oil just before bed to keep them moisturized all night. To make sure the cuticle oil is properly absorbed into your skin, you can also wear moisturizing gloves.

Is cuticle oil applied prior to or following gel polish?

You must cleanse your nails with a cleansing wipe to ensure that they are completely free of grease before applying gel polish. This is because if there are any oils present, gel polish won’t adhere to the nail.

Make sure to apply cuticle oil in advance of getting a gel manicure rather than right before. Applying cuticle oil as away after getting your nails manicured is also a terrific suggestion to nourish your nails. As soon as your gel manicure is complete, apply cuticle oil for beautiful, nourished nails.


Cleaning nails is something that has long been a part of every woman’s beauty and skincare routine. We always want those posh fingers to speak for themselves. However, a tiny dab of oil could help extend the life of your lovely nails by one or two days. When it comes to the overall health and appearance of your nails, cuticle oil is sometimes disregarded, but you should make it a routine.

You should now be better informed and able to apply cuticle oil, in my hope. As long as you are consistent, just make it a habit and you will experience fantastic outcomes. Go for it, girl!

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