19. Why Do My Eyelashes Hurt1

Why Do My Eyelashes Hurt – Causes And Solutions

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Dust, dirt, and other debris are kept out of our eyes by our eyelashes. They also cushion and shield our vulnerable eyes. Because of these factors, it is common for eyelashes to hurt when they are damaged.

However, conditions like an infection or an eye injury can occasionally be to blame for eyelash pain. The common causes of eyelash pain are listed below, along with advice on how to treat them. So why do my eyelashes hurt?

There are many reasons why eyelashes can hurt, but lash extensions are the one that most people think about. eyelash extensions are meant to mimic natural eyelashes, and when they get too long or too heavy, they can cause problems for the person wearing them. this is why many people have problems with their lashes hurting, and what can be done about it.

What Might Make Your Eyelashes Feel Like They Are In Pain?

Take note of your other symptoms because a variety of illnesses can cause pain in the eyelashes. Possible causes include:


Too many bacteria at the base of your lashes, on your eyelids, can lead to blepharitis. Additionally, it might be brought on by clogged or inflamed oil glands in your eyelids. The eyelids become red and start to scale, and the eyes may feel as though they are burning or itching.

Due to the clogged oil glands, more severe cases of blepharitis may cause symptoms like increased light sensitivity, blurred vision, loss of vision, eye pain, and eye fatigue.

You should see an eye doctor as soon as you can for an eye exam, a precise diagnosis, and a treatment plan if you suspect that your condition is caused by blepharitis or if you experience any of the symptoms I just listed. Your lashes will look better if this condition is treated quickly.

Using a medicated eye wash to remove bacteria that has accumulated on your lashes (or in their hair follicles) is the most efficient blepharitis treatment. This will lessen irritability and stop further discomfort. As long as these actions are performed consistently over time (roughly once per day), eyelash pain should go away in about two weeks without resulting in any long-term harm.

Ingrown Eyelashes

An ingrown eyelash is one that grows back into the skin of the eyelid as opposed to outwards. This can be brought on by a variety of factors, such as inflammation or improper removal of natural or synthetic eyelashes.

Pain along the lash line, along with redness, swelling, and tenderness, are the main signs of an ingrown eyelash. Additionally, you might observe that the lash is difficult to remove or that it is growing in an unusual direction.

The best course of action in cases of ingrown eyelashes is to let them heal naturally by leaving them alone. The attempt to pull it out will only irritate the area and exacerbate the pain.

You can place a warm compress on the area for a few minutes at a time if the ingrown eyelash is very painful. Any irritation and swelling will be reduced with the aid of this.

Further irritating the lash and delaying healing are wearing makeup and touching the affected area.

You might require medical attention if you have an infection or if the pain is severe. Antibiotics may occasionally be required to eradicate the infection. If the ingrown lash does not get better with home treatment, surgery may also be necessary to remove it.


You might have a stye if your eyelid is swollen and red. Styes, which appear as tiny red bumps on the eyelid and are brought on by a bacterial infection, It might be a stye if you only have pain and swelling in one eyelid.

Consult a doctor right away to get their assessment of what might be causing the pain if it is excruciating and has not subsided after several days. If bacteria are found, your doctor may aspirate a sample from the affected area to check for their presence and may then prescribe antibiotic eye drops.

Eyelid Inflammation

Allergies, infections, or other factors are frequently to blame for inflamed eyelids. Additionally, an eye or eyelid injury may cause it. A red, swollen, and itchy skin surface are a few typical signs of an inflamed eyelid.

It’s crucial to see a doctor as soon as you suspect your eyelids are inflamed as a result of an allergic reaction or infection so they can properly diagnose and treat the issue.

If your eyes are found to have severe inflammation (for instance, if they are swollen shut), treatment options may include using antihistamines and/or steroid eye drops to lessen pain and swelling while healing takes place.

19. Why Do My Eyelashes Hurt2

Allergic Reaction

There are numerous potential causes for the pain in your lashes. We frequently experience allergic reactions, and whenever we do, our eyes are frequently affected. You may have applied eye makeup, such as mascara or eyeliner, which you then reacted to, or the reaction may have been brought on by an airborne allergen.

Why Do My Eyelash Extensions Hurt?

Eyelash extensions are fake eyelashes that are adhered to the root of your natural lashes. With the extensions, your eyelashes may appear longer and fuller.

However, the glue used can hurt your eyelashes. It contains latex and ammonia, both of which can lead to blepharitis or contact dermatitis.

This can lead to eyelid or eye pain, along with:

  • Burning
  • Dry eyes
  • Redness
  • Eyelid swelling
  • Itchiness

If wearing eyelash extensions causes you pain, see a doctor. Think about switching to magnetic eyeliner and lashes. To prevent more severe complications, it’s crucial to treat these symptoms.

Why Does Wearing Mascara Hurt My Eyelashes?

Like other eye makeup, mascara is made up of various chemicals. Although these chemicals are thought to be safe for the eyes, some ingredients may cause allergies or sensitivities.

Eyelash pain may occur if you experience an allergic or sensitivity reaction. The product must stop being used right away.

Use mascara that is made for sensitive eyes. It may be labeled as “hypoallergenic” mascara.


Eyelid inflammation or ingrown eyelashes are frequent causes of eyelash pain. Allergies, injuries, and eye makeup can all irritate people. Problems with eyelid or eyelash growth may occasionally be the cause of the discomfort.

If the pain in your eyelashes doesn’t go away, see a doctor. If you experience eye pain or vision changes, this is particularly important.

Read More About Eyelashes Problems:

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